Hiding among the dozens of changes that the new president made in his first week back
in the White House was one that seriously undermines previous guarantees of
protection against discrimination.

Trump and his patrons have long demonized government efforts that give legal support
to government programs that support diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives.
Their rationale is that such policies support reverse discrimination, which refers to
discrimination against members of a dominant or majority group, in favor of members of
a minority or disadvantaged group. However, that entirely ignores our national history
that hires and promotes white people over people of color, male over female and
straight over LGBTQ.

The immediate result of this mean-spirited move is that companies and contractors will
be able to openly discriminate in employment policies as will colleges in admissions and
advancement of students and staff. Federal employees with jobs that focus on diversity
will lose their jobs.

And public companies are warned that they can be investigated if they maintain DEI
policies. Blacks, people of color and those who identity as being LGBTQ will not be able
to expect fair treatment in employment or education pursuits. That means that the “good
old boy” rules are in full force again without hope of redress.

In fact, they will be supported by the federal government. Neither intelligence, initiative,
nor performance matter now — if they ever did. All of those who fought for freedom and
justice for all people are weeping. Only straight, white males should find comfort in this
regressive move.

Tom Steensma
rural Defiance


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